Dario Läuppi  Fostering the EAV research

Here is provided unique information, free of charge, that is the result of independent research on EAV, quite simply because this procedure enables efficient, inexpensive and personalized treatments.
The free downloads include
  • the periodic system of EAV that enables a structured documentation of all measuring results and thereby a comparative research (up-to-date version 08/2019)
  • a list (up-to-date 11/2019) with medicinal plants (the starting point of the greatest part of the pharmaceuticals) which can be precisely applied using the EAV and
  • a list (up-to-date 11/2021) with older and recent thesis and scientific articles around the globe.
Every (thematic or financial) support to this independent research on EAV is greatly appreciated.
Innovative research and discovery need also protection from underhand campaigns.

Info: eav-global@gmx.ch, Mobile (cell) ++55 21 992 498 854 and Skype

At academia.edu is also the actual version of the periodic system of EAV for arousing interest among people in the ivory tower.

the same page in five other languages:
deutsch  français  italiano  español  português

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